b. did not initially cover all categories of workers.
The American Social Security System was very different from what we know today, in its early years of establishment, during the New Deal. The main difference was that it did not cover all professional categories (which made it different from the European pension system). Professional categories were included in this system as the US economic condition strengthened through other New Deal reforms. This happened little by little, until it became what we know today.
Any repetitive action that a child plays and finds enjoyable
is termed as functional play. It is typical of
3 year olds. Throwing objects, filing,
banging objects, opening and closing things, and stacking blocks are some
examples of functional play.
the reason I believe this is because some people may be different and act different towards people with dementia and when that happens that is discrimination, and I do believe that it's a societal problem because more people are diagnosed with dementia no matter if you are young or old. But since it is more common in our elder community it could also be labeled as ageism.