All you have to do is list the sources you used to answer the last 8 questions, and if you did no use any, leave it blank.
- Protozoans → would not have survived because they have no way to produce their own food → Heterotrophs
- Algae → would have survived without this food source → Heterotrophs
The protist kingdom is composed of two main groups. The principal difference between them is that algae can produce their own food, while protozoans need to ingest other organisms or organic molecules to survive.
- Algaes are autotroph
- Protozoans are heterotroph
Microscopic unicellular organisms, eukaryotic and heterotrophs -predators or detritivores-. Most of them are aquatic free-living organisms, but some species are parasites. They feed on<u> bacteria</u>, other organic wastes, and other microscopic organisms. The phagocytosis process is normally used to ingest the food, invaginating their cell membrane.
Eukaryotic micro- or macroscopic organisms. Autotroph and photosynthetic. They might be either unicellular or pluricellular. They use sunlight to synthesize organic matter from water, CO₂, and mineral salts. Unicellular ones can be free-living or associate with others to form colonies. They are part of the phytoplankton and are ingested by heterotrophic organisms. Pluricellular algae do not create real tissues but they compose a tale. The depth at which they inhabit depends on the pigments they produce. All of them inhabit fresh or sea waters.
Reaction 1
Reaction 1 would be the most suitable in this case. This is so because in reference to the question you are wanting to keep the food warm over long periods. So in reference to the data in the chart reaction 1 continues to heat up over long periods of time. However, with the other reactions (2, 3, 4) temperatures vary and some even decrease constantly. Therefore showing that the other reactions are invalid to help reach your goal referencing back to the question.
GnRH<span> stimulates (causes) the pituitary gland to produce </span>follicle stimulating hormone<span> (</span>FSH<span>), the hormone responsible for starting follicle (egg) </span>
Because it causes them to move, and so they weather that way. Buut the acid rain can leak into the rock and slowly break down the atoms, causing it to chemically weather faster. Also, just regular water/rain can wash away some covering sediment.