The precinct might throw all of its support behind a candidate to help the candidate win
Have you ever wondered what the inside of a cell looks like? If you think about the rooms in our homes, the inside of any animal or plant cell has many similar room-like structures called organelles. Each organelle is a place where specific jobs are done.
Plant and animal cells have many of the same organelles. But in some cases, the organelles in cells are different. For example, in plant cells, there are more types of organelles than are found in animal cells. Below are some names and descriptions of organelles commonly found in cells. There is also an interactive cell viewer and game that can be used to learn about the parts of animal and plant cells.
The highest developed form of painting in the Islamic world is the miniature in illuminated manuscripts, or later as a single page for inclusion in a muraqqa or bound album of miniatures and calligraphy.
The answer is A, or It was a clear victory for the Northern states.
The Battle of Antietam stopped the Confederacy’s advance into the Northern territories. Because the North won a tough victory in this battle, the way was paved for the Emancipation Proclamation to be issued.