A.) army
Columbia, as all countries in the world, has its own government which is responsible for controlling the country. If the government comes into a situation where it is not able to control the country, or it has been overthrown so there's no government in place, second in charge is the military. The military is the one that will have the obligation of keeping things under control in Colombia in a non-government situation, as that is what the legislative says. In practice that will be incredibly hard though, as the drug cartels in Colombia are very powerful, so there's every chance that they will be able to take over whole regions of the country, or even all of the country in a scenario like that.
They wanted to come home to a clean house and a hot meal.
They all help us in the United States to be what it is today
What cartoon are you talkin about
He celebrated colonial accounts that celebrated Indian courage. ... Anglos believed that African Americans were more similar to whites and could be assimilated. ... Ministers, merchants, and slave owners from North and South ... right of religious freedom ... sent to lead the expedition as a safety precaution for the whites.