The life expectancy at birth in Burundi is 59.55 while in The United States it is 79.56.The per capita consumption of electricity in The United States is 12,185kWh while in Burundi it is 21kWh.<span>Per capita public and private health expenditures combined in Burundi are $20.00 USD while The United States spends $8,895.10 USD</span>
The invention of the paint tube allowed impressionist artists to take their work outside.
The federalists, the most notable of which being Alexander Hamilton, were for the ratification of the constitution during the constitutional convention. They believed that the articles of confederation were far too weak. Some of their key beliefs included; the separation of powers would prevent any person or group from dominating the government; Power would be shared between the federal and state governments; The large republic would work by fragmenting political power. The Anti-Federalists, were in agreement that the Articles of Confederation were too weak. They however, were fearful of a strong federal government like the one proposed in the constitution. They believed; A large republic with many diverse interests would be doomed to fail; The president and Congress would be too powerful; A standing army would threaten national liberty; The federal government would overwhelm the states; and individual rights needed to be protected. In order to get the nine states needed for ratification, the Federalists promised to create the bill of rights after the constitution was ratified.