· Most plea agreements in misdemeanor cases are worked out at the pretrial conference with some resolved at the arraignment. In felony cases where plea bargains are permitted, the prosecution and defense can arrive at an agreement at any stage of the criminal proceedings, including during or after a trial but before a jury arrives at a verdict.
The MOST effective way for Briana to advocate for a person of any color to have a high-paying job:
B. Briana can say that having a high-paying job should be based on __ABILITY TO DO THE JOB__.
yes because he'll have 200 over for other stuff
Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois were two important leaders of the Black community in the United States. However, they each had very different opinions about the role of the African community, and on how equality could be achieved.
Booker T. Washington believed that the Black community needed to adopt a philosophy of self-help, racial solidarity and accomodation. He believed that African Americans had the duty to educate themselves and improve their livelihood in order to be taken seriously by white Americans. On the other hand, W.E.B. DuBois believed that this approach only put an extra burden on black people, while ignoring the responsibilities of whites. He argued that social change had to come through political change, and advocated political action.
I believe that their differences were as substantial as the friction between their followers. The two men had very different opinions about race and advancement. Moreover, I believe that the opinions of Booker T. Washington were more suited to the temper of the times as he took a more positive view of white people and a more negative view of conflict and political activism.
US federal government agencies are also required to arrange full and open competition through the use of <u>competitive procedures.</u>
The Competition in Contracting Act (CICA) of 1984 is the main legislation governing the procedure for hiring contractors in the US. It requires agencies to use competitive procedures in its procurement activities.
Competitive procedures is a mode of awarding contracts in a manner that is based on full and open competition. It is usually effected through competitive bids, either in physical settings or through electronic platforms.
The aim is to promote competition and reduce costs for the government. Additionally, small businesses were expected to have greater chances at winning Federal Government contracts. Bidding is consequently open to any eligible company.
To learn more about procurement through full and open competition: