Foot binding symbolized a girl's family was wealthy for not allowing their daughter to work. Foot binding is looked upon as an act of cruelty, but it was seen as a sign of wealth.
The spread of Christianity and the spread of non-Italians in the Roman Empire posed big challenge for the future existence of it. The reason for this was that both of these trends had one very powerful common thing, destroying the core of the Roman Empire, in political, ethic, and religious manner. The Christianity was quickly coming on top of the ancient Roman religion, which was the basis of the society, and once it was pushed on the margins and eventually in the past, it created much different social structure in Rome. The ethnic composition of the empire was too rapidly changing, with more and more non-Italians being part of it, and they started to greatly outnumber the Italians. That resulted in lesser loyalty to the empire, as the non-Italians didn't really saw the Roman rulers as the Italians did, but they were seeing as invaders and suppressors. Eventually this resulted in weakening the empire from the inside, which was one of the prime reasons why it crumbled.
The modern Civil Rights Movement is often marked as beginning with the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision banning school segregation or the day in 1955 when Rosa Parks refused to move from a bus seat in Montgomery, AL and ends with the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act or with the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1968 (Or, more recently, with the election of President Barack Obama). In some textbooks, the context for this movement are the years following the 1896 U.S. Supreme Court case of Plessy V. Ferguson in which federal and state laws enforced legal racial segregation, to which the Civil Rights Movement was a response.
They become someone's property because they no longer have their freedom and slaves where always sold and purchased.