Gave authority to the pharaoh, the pharaoh was considered as a God
Ancient Egyptian religion was pagan (believing in multiple gods)
The statement that best describes most of the early Jamestown settlers is “gentlemen unprepared for hard work.”
so, the answer is B. Gentlemen unprepared for hard work.
These changes impacted the way we teach and see history for years to come. In events such as the Murder of Nanking (committed by Japan), the horrors committed in the Polish termination camp (Auschwitz), and the Holocaust Twin experiment, many people were murdered and faced many cruelties. Now we study the works of Hitler, Stalin, and many others like them with caution. Though some people still believe that what Hitler did was correct (neo-nazis) or that the entire holocaust was completely made up (this is a false statement), it was a real event and had cause many people pain, and lots of people lost loved ones.
They developed new political ideas by reflecting on the existing political institutions and the relations between the people in a society. They tried to come up with new ways to make things better that were heavily involved in ethics, epistemology, ontology, and a bunch of other philosophical ideas whose origins can be found in ancient philosophical works.
Overlords built kingdom border walls. The First Emperor Qin unified the Great Wall. Emperor Han Wudi extended the Great Wall west to Yumen Pass