<em>where</em><em> </em><em>is </em><em>the</em><em> </em><em>poem</em><em>?</em><em>?</em>
<em>p</em><em>lease</em><em> </em><em>se</em><em>nd</em><em> </em><em>comp</em><em>lete</em><em> </em><em>qu</em><em>estion</em>
1. their
2. their
C. Growing bigger
However, I am still not too sure.
Alba Robertsive is a 49 year old woman with quintuplets. they were born
at John C. Washington hospital in Norfolk,Virginia where her husband
work, who is also the mayor. they all live in Bethseda,Maryland ... I just kina summed it up a little :3
Sometimes he whirled down the incline of a wave as if he were on a hand sled.
The man is clearly in a context of desperation or at least difficulty, stuck out at sea on a life preserver. The imagery brings one of a childlike delight or a fun situation. However that is contrary to the actual situation. The man clings to a life preserver, trying to survive, not have fun, but nature rolls on, indifferent to this man's plight.