He was a great face for NASA, and was seen as a family man. The biggest achievement causing him to be positive for NASA was being the first American to be in orbit.
A production possibilities frontier graph.
The correct answer is option A. 1,18.
Linear regression is a method used to identify the trend Or similarity between two sets of data. All the given points of the data set are plotted and a straight line is drawn with the points. The line is called a line of regression.
F Test is a test that is used to check if the given line of regression is a good fit for the given data set or not. F ratio is the ratio obtained by dividing the two mean square values of the data set.
The numerator of the given regression is always 1
The denominator of the regression is given by n-2=20-2=18.
To know more about f-ratio, visit
60. An analysis of regression is used to test the significance of a linear regression equation based on a sample of n=20 individuals. What are the df values for the F-ratio?
a. 1, 18
b. 1, 19
c. 2, 18
d. 2, 19
<span>The answer is "engagement streams".
In Hootsuite Mobile, these mutual streams are demonstrated by the "people" symbol.
To allocate an approaching social message to the colleague or group most appropriate to address it, basically tap the "more" button on a message, trailed by "assign to…". Here you can choose the group and the individual you'd get a kick out of the chance to react.</span>