The root system is always adventitious. The stem is either underground or aerial. The leaves may be microphylls or megaphylls. Their other common characteristics include vascular plant apomorphies (e.g., vascular tissue) and land plant plesiomorphies (e.g., spore dispersal and the absence of seeds).
field studies
The documentation and collection of descriptive details of events in nature such as amounts, sizes, colors, smell , behavior, texture e.t.c are all categorized as field studies.
It involves the gathering of raw data outside a laboratory.
- Often times, based on the needs of an experiment, it is desirable to corroborate laboratory studies with field evidences.
- The approach in gathering such data varies from discipline to discipline.
- Most field sampling are usually done in an uncontrolled environment.
who was the first scientist to discover a cell when observing a tin section of deed cork under a crude compound microscope?
Robert Hooke!