picasso: expressionism, dali: futurism, boccioni: cubism, matisse: surrealism
Line conventions............lines can only be thick or thin. Thick is 0.6mm and thin is 0.3mm.
Airy? Is that what you are going for?
The answer is:
The minaret is a tall tower built in mosques with the objective to claim for the prayer's presence, to call their attention. The name "Minaret" means, in a free translation, "thin tower with balconies", and it was introduced for the first time in the 7th century AD.
some people may select war and terrorism for the utilitarianism.
others follow peace and love against war.
but what we select according to utilitarianism won't be always positive.
some decisions would end up as disaster.
we should choose the decision which is better for the society.