my fav anime character would be Tanjiro Kamado
Hardware wizard and My Computer can be used to configure non plug and play devices.
Plug and play devices are those which can be used almost immediately after connecting to a computer. eg- keyboard , mouse etc
Hardware wizard in an apllication which is used to install drivers for devices which do not support plug and play
My Computer is also used to access the setup or store the files of devices that are not plug and play.
Troubleshoot wizard is a software used to find and dignose bugs in components of computer whereas Plug and play manager is used to configure plug and play devices hence they can't be used for configuring non plug and play devices
Learn more about plug and play devices here :
By Adriana Aumen, College of Arts and Sciences
Courageous, conflicted, cantankerous or just plain cute, the colorful characters brought to life in Japanese anime film and television can teach a great deal about the country’s culture, says Michael Arnold, incoming Japanese studies instructor at Washington State University.
Featuring vibrant, hand-drawn and computer-animated graphics, anime productions provide glimpses of Japanese life, values and social norms as well as everyday language and idiomatic expressions used in context, Arnold said.
Recognizing the great potential of anime as an educational tool, the School of Languages, Cultures, and Race (SLCR) at WSU invited Arnold to teach “Transnational Anime: Japanese Animation History and Theory” in the spring 2019 semester. It is among three new or returning courses added this academic year to the broader suite of Japanese language and culture study options. inform about the series of events that produce and avalanche