They allow the heart to pump more blood by decreasing the ESV.
Earthquakes occur because of the pressure and density.
the fundamental unit of heredity
DNA is a double stranded helix structure. Each strand is made up of a string of nucleotides.
A gene is a region of DNA, usually tens of thousands of nucleotides long. At the simplest level, one gene encodes for one trait. Therefore, the gene can be described as the fundamental unit of heredity.
Genes work by coding for specific proteins, which carry out essentially all the functions in the cell.
In an endothermic reaction, energy is absorbed which causes the object to heat up.
C) primary cell wall --> plasma membrane --> cytoplasm --> tonoplast
When a potassium ion moves from the ground into a vacuole of a plant cell, it must pass through the different structures that are part of it.
First, the outermost layer of the cell is the cell wall. Plant cells may have a primary and a secondary wall, but the latter is not always present. The primary wall is always located outwards (and in the case of having a secondary wall, it will be located between the primary wall and the plasma membrane).
Then, inside the cell wall, we will find the plasma membrane (also called plasmalemma).
When crossing the membrane, the ion will be in the cytoplasm of the cell and will be directed towards the vacuole, which is surrounded by its membrane called tonoplast. The vacuole is an organelle that has no definite shape, although it is always surrounded by the tonoplast, and it contains different substances such as water and enzymes.