Pseudopodia are temporary and cytoplasm-filled parts of the cell membrane that are able to change their form in order to move.
Pseudopodia are temporary and cytoplasm-filled parts of the cell membrane that are able to change their form in order to move. They are used in some eukaryotic cells to move around or to eat. Most cells that do this are called amoeboids. The amoeba is a common example. ... Pseudopods can also capture prey by phagocytosis.
u are lying u are not giving 39 points u are just giving 5
By lowering the levels of total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL)
Dietary fibers are classified into two: the soluble fiber and the insoluble fiber. Studies have show that the soluble fiber play a significant role in lowering blood cholesterol, hence reducing the cardiovascular diseases.
Soluble fiber helps to lower blood cholesterol by its ability to bind to the small intestine which further binds to cholesterol most especially the ad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein). Binding of Fibers to cholesterol prevents them from migrating to the blood stream and to other parts of the body. Since cholesterol can't get into the bloodstream, it exits the body through feces. Fiber has more effect on lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) than High density lipoprotein (good cholesterol.
Function. There, the villi and the microvilli increase intestinal absorptive surface area approximately 30-fold and 600-fold, respectively, providing exceptionally efficient absorption ofnutrients in the lumen. There are alsoenzymes (enterocyte digestive enzyme) on the surface for digestion.
I hope helping with this answer