<span>There are no real significant differences between how men and how women fare in midlife transition.
In amendment two third of the total senate and house representatives rectified the bill to date have been proposed. Up to the date 27 amendments were approved.
In 1789 it was decided that how a amendment would become a part of the constitution. All 27 amendments were rectified in the presence of two third of senate and house representatives. For final approval it need to go through a voting system including the members of the senate.
Congress has the final power of giving approval of the appeal made by two third member of the legislative members. Two ways of proposing an amendment either to call two third member for voting or to call them for a national convention.
By protecting intellectual property, we made a specific invention could only be produced by the inventors alone.
Which means that the companies in other countries do not possess the right to produce it. This will increase the GDP of the country where the inventors came from
hope this helps
The teachers present at the teacher's lounge could be there for a variety of reasons, for example it could even me a meeting of the supporters of the school uniform! his sample is therefore possibly biased - there is no way of knowing that it represents the whole population. He chose it because it was convenient to him - and the answer is "a, convenience sampling"