I'm not gonna give you the answer. I want you to think about this what is math, what is science, how does it help the world, and etc. These are some example questions to help.
Answer:A flowchart is a diagram that depicts the steps involved in solving a problem. The following flowchart shows how to output the multiplication table ( n * 1 to m * 1) of a number, n and m:
The answer is likely C. "Can be used by CSS to apply the same formatting to more than one HTML element."
Given that the name of the attribute is "class," it sounds like the kind of code that would be applied to multiple elements intended to display something a specific way.
I've invested hours of my time into learning HTML, but I've never dealt with the "class" attribute. So, maybe take my answer as a grain of salt.
You can make a hierarchical directory structure under /root that
consists of one directory containing subdirectories by using cd and
the mkdir command created the directories while the cd command changes which directory you're currently in
Click the insert tab, it'll show a pop up window. Go to the location of where your picture may be. Double click on the photo, and it will be inserted into the word document.