G-funk, or more widely known as Gangsta-Funk came from West Coast Gangsta rap of hiphop music in 1990s. Lyrics mainly composed of anything related to angst, chaos and women. Though there were lots of debates who made the first introduction on G-Funk, Dr. Dre was considered the father of the music genre.
Their economies suffered from a lack of workers.
<h3>hey yams jihi (dont know your last name soooooo) hope this helps u miss the series u make but u need time so hope u be well jihi... byeˋ( ° ▽、° ) </h3>
This level is specially common among the school children, but even sometimes adults also exhibit this level of morality. Morality judge by direct its consequences. This stage consists of two levels of moral development and concerned with ego-centrism. A child doesn't know anything about morality what is right? and what is wrong?. A child just believes in such action which leads to some consequences. In this stage the child is egocentric, lack of recognition about the viewpoints of others, others have different and they have different viewpoints.
<span>Your answer is B honey</span>