6 salespersons
A histogram shows the graphical representation of the distribution of numerical data using bars of different lengths.
From the histogram:
The number of salespersons who sold 11 - 12 packages = 1
The number of salespersons who sold 13 - 14 packages = 2
The number of salespersons who sold 15 - 16 packages = 3
Therefore the new agents who sold more than 10 vacation packages = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 salespersons
Monthly salary would be the base salary = $2500
Since he would earn 2% of all orders, calculate the dollar value of the commission when total orders amount to $34000;
Commission = 2% *34000 = $680
His total pay would be calculated by adding the base salary to the commission amount;
Total pay = base salary + commission
Total pay = $2500 + $680
Total pay = $3,180
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