I would pick pennsylvania most slaves were down there an if im correct gettybrg was down there too reason i picked it is because i seen gettyburg an it was pretty interesting especially the guns they used.
Although Mccandless rejected the authority imposed on him by others, he takes an authoritarian stand on his own choices.
Chris Mcandless was a young man who abandoned social life to spend two years living in the jungle, with few resources, food and water. He took this action because he wanted to achieve definitive freedom, far from social rules and standards and economic and capitalist demands.
McCandless rejected the idea of authority, but he did not accept any advice and attempt to prevent that decision, behaving in an authoritarian manner and assuming the behavior that he rejected.
You need to get on top of your stuff.
you need to stay in school and get good grades and if you have a hard time with that then you need to take notes and study. a lot.
you need to focus on your career after college and don't let anyone get in your way or you won't get where you deserve to be.
Um ok I try to help you if I find a story