2. The concert has been postponed.
3. The computer is being used at the moment.
4. The conversation was being recorded.
5. When we got to the stadium we found out that the game had been canceled. (I’m not sure if you can use we, if you can’t, use this sentence: “The game at the stadium has been canceled.”)
6. When we got to the stadium we found out that the stadium is building a new ring road around the city. (Again I’m not sure if you can use we, if you can’t, use this sentence: “The stadium is building a new ring road around the city.”)
7. A new hospital was built near the airport.
"I was the first 'welcome-to-our-state' Floridian ... " (paragraph 3)
Hope this help.
it can be written in third person
if his name i joe then yes it is third person, if someone elses name is joe it is first person