The answer is C. We can suppose that the Grey gene is "A" and Black gene is "a". So the gene of heterozygous grey fruit fly is "Aa", and the black-bodied fruit fly is "aa". After mating, the offspring can get only "a" from balck-bodied fruit fly and has equal opportunity to get a "A" or "a" from heterozygous grey fruit fly. If the gene of offspring is "Aa", it will be grey. If "aa", it will be black. So the proportion of being black is 0.5.
Answer: the blue squares are B and the white squares are BB
the spreading of something more widely.
Step 1: Isolate the two kinds of DNA.
Step 2: Treat the plasmid and foreign DNA with the same restriction enzyme.
Step 3: Mix the foreign DNA with chopped plasmids.
Step 4: Add DNA ligase.