If you're looking for a fraction:
Think of it this way, the 9 is in the 10th place. The 6 is in front of the decimal. So, it's 69/10. The 10 takes the place of the 9, the "/" is the decimal moved to the right one space.
If you're looking for a mixed number:
You basically split the above fraction "69/10" up into two separate pieces. So, it's
6 9/10.
D. 68 (APEX).........................................................................................
Step-by-step explanation:
multiply 2 with the bracket numbers
6x= - 16
x= - 8/3
A. 7 1/6
Step-by-step explanation:
10 3/4 * 2/3=
43/4 * 2/3= 86/12
86/12 = 7 2/12 = 7 1/6