It is false. Plant cells have chloroplast and mitochondria.
All the Puritan children were taught to read, to understand the Bible, and to know the laws of the country. Reading schools were usually the only education for girls, but boys would go to grammar schools after reading schools.
Algae and Cyanobacteria could mean life is flourishing and is a good food source for some fish in moderation- but if there's a lot of fertilizer runoff, they can grow too quickly and be counterproductive for the environment
Your DNA is basically your human code
The DNA contains what makes you, well you, and it also contains the codes for how you will grow, your health, and reproduce. Your DNA is vital if it gets damaged or something happens along the way the message can't go through, that's when deformities and others things can happen.
Fatty acids and glycerol best describes the basic structure of lipids. Fatty acids is one of the major components of triglyceride. It is a form of lipids that is used to store energy. Fatty acids are composed largely of a chain carbon atoms bonded with hydrogen atoms. At one of the ends of fatty acids is called carboxyl group. In terms of number of carbons, they are typically an even numbers.