It would be the journal written by Christopher Columbus. (even though he didn't actually discover the new world, so he shouldn't get credit for it... but that's how it's taught in history.)
In a horizontal integration, a company takes over another that operates at the same level of the value chain in an industry. A vertical integration, on the other hand, involves the acquisition of business operations within the same production vertical.
D). All of the above.
As per the question, all the given statements assert the outcomes of different court decisions of the years 1944, 1946, and 1948. In Smith Vs. Allwright case, the ap-ex court of the U.S. declared that the voters can not be outcasted from the voting rights by discriminating against them on the grounds of race. While in <u>Morgan Vs. Virginia case, the supreme court announced that it was unconstitutional(violation of the constitution) to segregate the riders on the basis of their race in interstate commercial buses</u>. And in the Shelly v. Kraemer case, the court declared the racially confining covenants to be the breach of the 14th amendment that declares 'equal protection to all its citizens regarding the rights of property, freedom, and life.' Thus, <u>option D</u> is the correct answer.
The term color line was originally used as a reference to the racial segregation that existed in the United States after the abolition of slavery . An article by Frederick Douglass which was titled "The Color Line" was published in the North American Review in 1881.
La corrupción política o Malpolítica es el uso de poderes por parte de los funcionarios del gobierno o sus contactos en la red para un beneficio privado ilegítimo. Las formas de corrupción varían, pero pueden incluir soborno, cabildeo, extorsión, amiguismo, nepotismo, provincianismo, clientelismo, tráfico de influencias, corrupción y malversación.
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