Tell the truth
complex to compound sentence
The correct answer is:
A sonnet is a literary expression in which 14 lines are normally written that generally have a rhyme structure in which details about a particular subject are described, this can be a feeling, scene, idea, thought. A sonnet can be considered within the literary field as an almost musical structure, the word "sonnet" itself comes from the Italian <em>sonneto </em>which means small song. Sydney and Spencer were two of the main poetic authors of the Renaissance era who used the sonnet to express themselves in their majestic works that were later an inspiration for important artists such as Shakespeare.
Students who are able to make predictions about a story, based on what they have already read, are also able to become actively involved in the reading process. In making predictions, students use critical thinking and problem solving skills.
The word <em>vegetation </em>has a neutral denotation, while the term <em>home </em>has a positive connotation.
Denotation is the concrete or main meaning of a word, in opposition to the thoughts or feelings that the word suggests. In this case, <em>vegetation </em>is a collection of plants in a particular area.
Connotation refers to the emotions and ideas that a word brings to mind, besides its literal meaning. For example, <em>home </em>is the place where one lives permanently, and implies a sense of protection, good feeling and family.
Annie knows that her father had loved other women and had children with them This might be what has made Annie’s relationship with her father change.