it depends on where the communication is. on a phone, at school, church, temple., and at home. when your on the phone you use things like gtg, ttyl,lol,omg,etc. at home you talk to your parents usinf words like yes ma'am, no thank you, etc. i wasnt quite sure what the question was so i used the information i have to create the best answer possible
Option C - Is; Is not
The expected return of a portfolio of risky securities __is____ a weighted average of the securities returns. The standard deviation of a portfolio of risky securities __is not__ a weighted average of the securities standard deviations when the correlation is less than 1
The expected return of a portfolio of risky securities is a weighted average of the securities' returns.
The standard deviation is the square root of the variance which is a weighted sum of the variance of the individual securities and the covariances between securities.
First Person.
Second Person means someone near the main person is telling the story.
Third Person is an all knowing being who know everyone's thoughts and dialogues.