La exploración intensiva a la que se está sometiendo el planeta Marte nos está revelando gran cantidad de datos sobre sus propiedades y sobre su pasado. Sin embargo, existen dos grandes incógnitas por desvelar: ¿cuáles fueron las diferencias que provocaron que el planeta sea tan distinto de la Tierra? ¿Existe o ha existido actividad biológica en el planeta rojo? Especialmente revelador es el estudio comparativo de ambos planetas.
Desde la distancia, la Tierra y Marte nos muestra profundas diferencias. En el primer caso, dominan blancos y azules, correspondientes a las nubes y a los océanos, y los marrones de los continentes. Por tanto, la existencia de agua en sus diferentes estados (sólido en los casquetes polares, líquido en los mares y gaseoso en la atmósfera) es evidente. Y la presencia de agua sugiere, de manera casi inmediata, la existencia de vida. De hecho, incluso desde satélites en órbita es posible apreciar la intensa actividad biológica del planeta, como es el caso de las banquisas antárticas o el cambio estacional de la superficie forestal.
The interval of the investment is 20 years, so it is better to allocate a 30 percentage of the income on investments because this will serve as guaranteed sustainable income for the future.
The investment should be in two different types of 15%, 15%. This will help Incase something happens to one. And a return of at least 10% on each for 20 years will be alright. Thank you.
In investments risk, income and return should be considered with economic state.
FDR had been stirring up conflicts in Europe since around 1935 in the hopes of getting the United States involved in a war to create jobs after his New Deal programs failed.
The war in Europe didn't involve United States' interests, and so Congress wouldn't give FDR the green light.
To force their hand, he arranged for oil embargoes around the Pacific and then lured Japan to America with promises of much-needed oil.
First, however, they were required to purchases licenses to buy the oil and then Roosevelt reneged on selling them at the last minute. This infuriated the Japanese, provoking them into attacking Pearl Harbor.
In doing this, FDR's provocation of Japan to attack the US was an act of treason.
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