Think its a and b might be d but most likely not so yea
a and b
macbeth has doubts on killing duncan and doesnt want to.
Pretend to be good hosts to the King- Macbeth can't hide his emotions very well. Get the guards really drunk and spike their drinks.-what if the guards don't pass out? Kill the King- Does Macbeth really have what it takes? Place daggers and blood on the guards to frame them for killing the King- Why would the guards want to kill the King? Wash blood and pretend to be shocked when the King is found dead in the morning.- Macbeth can't act very well. He lets his guilty conscience show. I hope this will help you to complete the task. However, you may alsways turn for the help to the professionals. At prime Writings, they are available 24/7.
Hey Julie we are going to have a picnic and i was wondering if you would like to go. We should bring fruits and sandwiches for a snack. Bring a cover for us to sit on, and we need to make sure that we wear sunscreen. We can drink apple juice so if we get thirsty we can already have a drink. I hope you would like to go and reply back to this email. Have a nice day.!