An open system can react becuase its opened...we breath and our bodys are an opened system.
The heart rate slowed and eventually stopped.
D, a sonic boom is only produced when a body is traveling faster than sound
Increased levels of phosphate are beneficial to phytoplankton and aquatic plants. In the short-run, this means increased micronutrients for herbivorous and omnivorous fish.
The phosphate, however, reacts with the water to reduce the oxygen levels obtainable in the water. Without oxygen, the fishes die off.
It is not unusual to find that with increased phosphate in water, healthy fishes begin to die off without any other plausible explanation.
The solution is to clean the water or treat it with solutions that impact positively whilst reducing the phosphate levels.
Damage in the bone marrow, called as aplastic anemia leads to lower production of both red and white blood cells, causing oxysgen starvation and infection.
Platelets are also reduced.