A museum is evaluating historical documents for authenticity, reviewing their physical condition, and categorizing them by subje
ct before creating a back-up on the cloud. which part of this process could the museum automate easily, without incurring high costs or large amounts of time and effort?
a.) defining and assigning categories by subject
b.) evaluating documents for authenticity
c.) creating a back-uo on the cloud
d.) reviewing the physical condition of documents
The part of this process that could the museum automate easily is defining and assigning categories by subject.
<h3>What is Cloud backup?</h3>
Cloud backup is known to be a kind of service where data and applications on a business's servers are known to be saved up and kept on a remote server.
Note that a lot of Businesses usually back up to their data to cloud so as to keep files and data in space and available when they need it most especially in the times of a system failure, outage, etc.
Press and hold down the CTRL key while you drag the file to another folder. Press and hold down CTRL+SHIFT while you drag a file to the desktop or a folder.