Characteristics hardware lifecycle:
- Procurement- Acquiring new IT hardware assets involves evaluating vendors, purchase orders, receiving, and device labeling.
- Deployment - Hardware configuration and installment, placing hardware and software assets into production environments.
- Maintenance & Support - Management of assets include scheduling scans and getting audit history.
- Upgrade - Before you retire your IT hardware assets, you’ll reach a processing plateau that can be restored with hardware upgrades.
The best answer here is Answer C - Tab stops are useful when you want to "align text into columns".
All tab stops do is shift text a fixed amount to the left or right on the line. They are useful for improving the layout of text when you want to align multiple rows.
Answer A is incorrect because rows are vertical and not horizontal. B is also irrelevant because spaces between paragraphs are vertical. Answer D could also be correct because you can use tab stops to indent text aswell, but the more general answer is A. If you can have more than one answer, you could have A and D.
The /var Directory. /var is a standard subdirectory of the root directory in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems that contains files to which the system writes data during the course of its operation
Threat disgruntled employees
This is a type's threat in a network, why disgruntled employees is a threat?
Because disgruntled employees can implement a plant to damage a company's system when an IT employee be fired.
I t can be difficult to try to protect a system of these threats, Traditionally companies can wait for the less damage, then delete those credentials.
In cloud computing we have IDaaS, where an external company administers the company's credentials, is harder to damage the system in this way.
My Favorite film is The Old Guard
I like The Old Guard because it has action an etc.