Explanation: changing the coding and not the way it works.
Use font colors that work well with your background.
Select font sizes that are appropriate for your delivery method.
Fonts should be appropriate for your audience.
Limit the number of fonts you use to three or four.
Hope this helps!
Answer: Es nuestro cerebro. Los ojos son las estructuras capaces de transformar las señales luminosas en impulsos eléctricos, los cuales viajan al cerebro y, una vez ahí, él se encarga de transformar estas señales eléctricas en lo que vemos realmente. Y lo mismo pasa con todos los otros sentidos.
Edge computing was developed due to the exponential growth of IoT devices, which connect to the internet for either receiving information from the cloud or delivering data back to the cloud. And many IoT devices generate enormous amounts of data during the course of their operations.