I believe that Penelope devised the contest with the bow and arrows in order to buy both herself and Odysseus more time. He was gone for a long time, but she kept believing he would return to her and they would be happy again. However, he was gone for more than 10 years, and many suitors now came to Ithaca in order to marry Penelope and rule there. She obviously didn't want that, so she created this contest knowing that nobody could win it besides Odysseus who is the best archer ever. What it reveals about her is her absolute faithfulness and devotion to her husband whom she hasn't seen in over a decade.
I think it would be "Who (knows) somebody that does tattoos?"
Considering the first line of the poem <em>"I Hear America Singing"</em>: I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear, and also taking in consideration the <em>entire poem's context</em>, it can be understood that the <em>speaker's view of the American identity is one of an identity composed by many voices singing many different songs</em>. That, of course, as a <em>metaphor</em> for <em>different people living different realities that contribute to forming a nation's identity</em>. The speaker <em>lists</em>, in the poem, various professions and activities being held by these people:
<em>"The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam, </em>
<em>The mason singing his as he makes ready for work (...)</em>
<em>The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat (...)"</em>
And so he continues. <em>"Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else"</em>, he says, conveying that this<em> identity would be composed by many different realities, points of view, and stories</em>, because every single one of these people <em>can only "sing" or express from their points of view</em>. Thus, the <em>American nation's identity is a mixture of various realities</em>, being each one of them important to be heard. Together, they create a whole based on variety.