<h3>a= hybrid computer can perform the function of both analog and digital computer</h3>
Task one; Immersion and Interaction are most important for virtual reality to provide a smooth and enjoyable experience for the user
For task two the multiple choice on slide 5 has the answers to the quiz
<u>Normally windows end user can login 3 ways as follow:</u>
1. End user can Login as local account where user has not connected or even connected to local Area network LAN.
2. Next user can login into cloud accounts nothing but hot mail accounts
3. Login to windows domain controller where end user should connect to LAN.
Purpose of installation of Windows domain controller with Active Directory is to keep trace and keep log history activities.
Due to windows domain controller with Active Directory end user desktop or laptop has control on software access also.
Every time when end user login on windows domain controller a small modified is executed whenever is required. It is not going effort the workstation performances.
Note: - Domain severs should be POWER on first.
Three characteristics of an ideal encrytion scheme are:
1. The encryption sheme should be strong: the algorithm is imprevious to direct attack and attempts are derived.
2. The encryption scheme should create unique ciphertext from the same plaintext for each key permutation, among other traits.
3. It should take at least millions of years to break ideal encryption scheme, based on mathematical predictions.