Ralph and Jack engage in a fight which neither wins before Piggy tries once more to address the tribe. Any sense of order or safety is permanently eroded when Roger, now sadistic, deliberately drops a boulder from his vantage point above, killing Piggy and shattering the conch.
When Dana returns to the past and gets closer to Weylin's house, she feels at home.
- Kevin is a progressive man. In the 1970s, when casual racism was still common in the United States, he saw racial equality as mandatory and was shocked and surprised by the prejudiced beliefs of other people. He married a black woman over the objections.
- Because he is a white man, he is not exposed to the kind of horrors that Dana, a black woman, must confront. And because he can be self-involved and insensitive, Kevin doesn’t make it his business to understand these horrors.
- Kevin’s experiences in the South suggest that only the most extraordinary members of any ruling class can fully empathize with oppressed members of society.
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