A vocabulary journal represents your own collection of all the key words that you come across during your studying.
The information you should provide for each entry depends on the instructions your teacher gives you. However, here are some of the most important elements you should include in your own journal:
- the word
- meaning of the word
- context (example of a sentence in which that particular word is used)
- picture that will remind you of the word meaning (if you are a visual learner)
The sentence in the excerpt from
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens that reflect the authors’ satirical tone is, ‘Are
you aweer, Mrs. Mann, that you are, as I may say, a porochial delegate, and a
stipendiary?’. Mr. bumble is a church warden however he also receives a
specific amount of cash which was, at that time, is unlikely for a church
He appears to be crafty when, which I assume is forgiving men, as it says, "He forgave sins easily...hoped to gain a little money...". And based on his profession, it seems inappropriate to [hang around those living in slum] and know all the taverns, inkeepers and barmaids. Also, when it says he arranged many women's marriages, it seems like he was somewhat romantically involved which is probably why he was so well loved. I mean, the author chose to only include many young women into the phrase. Overall, I believe the friar serves himself.