Our stupid anecestors decided to put stuff in the ground walah it grows we got food huzzah.And began to settle in one place
Because with out there flying machine we wouldn't have aviation
These are the circumstances under which the protest of the students in Tinker v. Des Moines would be deemed unprotected speech:
if their action had clearly threatened order and safety.
And since it didn't, there was no reason for it to be deemed unprotected speech.
Missionaries were the first group from the United States to settle in Hawaii. They were followed by the businessmen. Then, the military came.
American Protestant missionaries lead by Reverend Amos Starr Cooke settled in Hawaii on 1837. He set up a school to educate future monarchs. He became the unofficial adviser to the King, one of his previous students. Cooke influenced the king's decision to devise a land reform that allows businessmen to buy land from the locals and become sugarcane planters.
Hawaii's location is ideal for strategic warfare, thus, the military settled there.