1A - Syphilis. Syphilis is a common, nasty STD that causes sores on your genitals. Left untreated it can lead to neurological as well as heart problems. It is curable.
2B - Gonorrhea. Gonorrhea can affect the urethra causing burning during urination, the rectum causing pain, swelling and itching, throat pain and inflammation and cervix, pelvic inflammation causing infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease in women if left untreated. It is curable.
3D - Chlamydia. Chlamydia is one of the most common forms of STD and many people carry it without even knowing they it as it mainly shows no symptoms . It is easily curable.
4E - Trichomoniasis. Trichomoniasis is a parasitic infection. Both men and women can get it but it is more common in women. It causes vaginal discharge, itching, swelling and pain during urination. It is easily curable.
5G Crabs - Another common STD. Crabs or pubic lice are a parasitic insect that live in pubic hair. They cause itching and swelling of the genitals. They are easily curable.
6C Genital Herpes - Genital Herpes are one form of STD that is incurable and untreatable. Once you have herpes you have it for life. It is a virus that causes painful blisters and sores. There are medicines that can treat the sores but not the virus.
7F HPV - HPV or Human Papillomavirus is a common STD and usually harmless but in some cases can cause genital warts and cervical cancer as there are different types of HPV.
..................................false ........................
Being around people you like and are good for you
<span>The correct answer is A. In the afternoon. It's not right after a meal and it's not like you just woke up and are not fully awake. It's also good because it's not the hottest part of the day so you won't overheat and suffer a heatstroke. Afternoon is therefore the perfect period for working out.</span>
Gathering information and data, since it refers to the key word: <em>timeline</em>.