Means memory or heritage from a certain past
The Oregon Country had been claimed by several countries, including Great Britain, Russia, Spain, Great Britain, and the United States. However the Great Britain and the U.S eventually signed a Joint Occupation Agreement in 1818. The border dispute between the United States and Great Britain over Oregon was finally settled in 1846 by the signing of the Treaty of Oregon. The British acquired full control of the land north of the 49th parallel North while the United States won the areas south of the border.
Only era can vary in length of time.Era means age,period which doesn't exactly define the time
Century=100 years
decade=10 years
millennium = 1000 years,
They were being taxed without in representation back in the U.K. government
Verbonia should reflect perfection and the primacy of Roman engineering.
Built under the supervision of Marcus Fabricus, Vebonia should be a well-designed city, with connections with Rome, and where Caesar and his armies could stay during their campaigns in Gaul. With high walls and wide streets, access to Verbonia was trough a complex and strong bridge built using the recent technology to drain the water.