I can do some, not all sorry!
2. Restaurant
3. William
4. Sole
6. Orchestra
7. Avocado
12. Fire
9. Pillow
14. Answer
15. My
Hope that helped, let me know if you need more help! I can always help, just right now I can't do all.
Almost every Spaniard. As there are 46.5 million Spain population, I would say 46.5 million (or the closest to that)
All Spanish words are fem or mas sometimes both ending in a is fem anything that ends in e is both genders anything ending in o is mas
The Correct answer is “que”
El colonialismo es el sistema social y económico por el cual un Estado extranjero domina y explota una colonia. Por lo general se utiliza la fuerza militar ante la que el país invadido no puede oponerse y el colonizador, invasor o conquistador impone el control militar, político, económico y social, normalmente mediante la designación de personas originarias del país conquistador.