The <span>Cherokees used only one route to get to Indian Territory</span>
Option D
Subsistence farming is a farming practice by individuals for their own use, growing farm produce, crops for sustenance. Practicing this type of farming is not tax exempt, they also pay regular taxes to the farming agency.
Terrence and his family are practicing this type of farming because they only grow enough to feed themselves and pay their taxes to the government. This is know has Subsistence farming.
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The power of veto was not just restricted to the consuls. All officers of state (consuls, praetors, censors, aediles and quaestors) had the power of veto. Officers of the same rank could veto each other and officers of higher rank could veto officers of lower rank.
This civilization is between two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This is why Mesopotamia is known as the "land between the rivers".