Hey ya dude.............. I think it d
Simply just to tell them to stop or force them off it
Jimmy Cross blames himself for Kiowa's death because he followed orers and made camp in the field, even though it went against his instincts, which were to head for higher ground.
The theme of the poem "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" by William Carlos Williams is exactly that, the Fall of Icarus. This theme was explored many times throughout many major works, however here it is explored as a background image, not noticed by hardworking people in the sun. Icarus falls and drowns, and nobody bats an eye.
Mrs. Schachter kept screaming "fire" even though she was getting beaten for it because she had foreseen what will happen to them, the Jews. She is like a warning for what will be the fate of the people and how most of them will end up.
The memoir <em>Night </em>by Elie Weisel tells the story of how the Jews were discriminated against and treated inhumanely by the German Nazis. The book became one of the most read and first-person accounts of the horrors of the Holocaust, one of the greatest genocide in world history.
Mrs. Schachter and the captured Jews were stuffed into the cattle cars and transported to other camps for their imprisonment. She was with her ten-year-old son. Along the way, she began screaming <em>"Fire! I see a fire! I see a fire! [. . . .] This terrible fire. Have mercy on me"</em>. This happened not just once or twice but more than thrice. She was badly beaten up for causing panic among them and was even gagged. But she kept on shouting about the fire.
Her 'vision' of the fire seems to be the<u> foreshadowing of the fate of the Jews</u>. Most of them will be put in the chamber and burned. She seems to foresee what will happen to them. And even though she was beaten up for shouting and claiming she saw a fire, she kept on repeating her claim to warn them of their fate, which, unfortunately wasn't understood by the people at that time.