<em> Jogging/Running is better for a persons health</em>
<em> This is the best answer because when you walk its just like walking to school, walking in your house, and any other activities that involves walking. But when you jog or run you are excercising, you are being active this means that you are making your body more on the go more active. To explain my response more, when you jog or run you basically put your body in running mode and its no longer in rest mode. </em>
they should provide more things students can do and have some freedom instead of doing work all the time. let's kids do them own things sometimes and try to help kids more in education because some teachers fail to give a full explanation of what their assignment is. and try to stop bullying from happening bullying is happening a lot and teachers are always so busy and not looking out for other kids. the school should provide the students with things that will help them learn better. i could go on and on about this.
C. Their performance on ACCUPLACER might indicate a need for additional skills before enrolling in college-level coursework.
Sometimes a development course because your performance in ACCUPLACER may indicate the need to hone your skills in some subjects. Usually these courses serve as a "refresher" to improve the student's math and / or essay skills
Most of the time, you'll want affect as a verb meaning to influence something and effect for the something that was influenced. The difference between affect and effect is so slippery that people have started using "impact" as a verb instead. Don't be one of them!