"It happened at camp. We were in the woods and I saw this cool squirrel and went off by myself to check it out. Then I <em>slipped</em> on this slippery thatch of leaves. I was fine, but obviously, I wasn't great. By then, I couldn't even find the squirrel. I just lost my crew and was by myself trying not to cry. It had to be at least half an hour before I saw the <em>bear</em>. I was so <em>terrified</em>. It sort of just looked at me and sniffed at me. I stayed as still as possible, but inside I was <em>panicking.</em> It growled a couple of times and left. I start breaking down, right? Then I hear my crew counselor yelling my name at the top of her lungs, so I follow her voice and eventually find her, she was so <em>relieved.</em> If you think the bear was scary, you should've seen my mom when she found out. Horrifying."
Barren seems like the best work for stark.
<span>Strawberries and oranges are good sources of vitamin C.
hope this helps and make a fantastic day!!</span>
C - people should volunteer