Truman main goal was the containment of communism and the expansion of the soviet union in the world. this was to be made possible through countering the Warsaw pact. the containment policy was to help in the recovery of European countries economies in order to help them to overcome the attractive vestiges of communism. The countries were to adopt democracy and free market economies.
Economía conditions made hitlers social and economic messages
So the senate can oppose the bills.
Of all Spanish colonial possessions in the Americas, Puerto Rico is the only territory that never gained its independence. After four centuries of Spanish colonial rule, the period between 1860 and 1898 witnessed a pro-independence rebellion, colonial reform, the establishment of the first national political parties, the abolition of slavery, and a short-lived experiment in autonomy under Spanish rule.
Convection happens because warm air is less dense than the cold air around it, so it is lighter and rises or goes up in the atmosphere. Evidence of convection happening is seen with the formation and growth of cumulus clouds.