On May 3, 2011, United States President Barack Obama confirmed that al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden had been killed in his compound in Abbottabad, northeastern Pakistan. Bin Laden's death was welcomed throughout most of the world as a fitting end to a figure who had inspired mass bloodshed, and a positive and significant turning point in the fight against al-Qaeda and related groups.
In the 1960 Presidential elections, John F Kennedy became the democratic candidate despite his Catholicism.
This was surprising since Anti-Catholic sentiment was pretty high in mainstream American society at the time.
This was also seen as a reason why his presidential win was the closest in the history of the United States with a margin of just 118,000 out of 69 million votes.
Speakers of Athabaskan languages often use the same term for a language and its associated ethnic group (similar to the use of ‘English’ for both a language and a people), typically naming these with some form of ‘person’ or ‘human,’ as with Navajo diné.