I would say yes, the goals and objectives of the constitution are still relevant today. When the constitution says, "Establish Justice", it is implying they want to set up a legal system fair to all, which indeed is very important today. It also ensures domestic tranquility, which protects us all from unlawful acts. Lastly, it provides us common defense, which is protection from other countries
On March 22, 1972, the Equal Rights Amendment is passed by the U.S. Senate and sent to the states for ratification
Known as the Cold War, this conflict began as a struggle for control over the conquered areas of Eastern Europe in the late 1940s and continued into the early 1990s. Initially, only the United States possessed atomic weapons, but in 1949 the Soviet Union exploded an atomic bomb and the arms race began.
The difference between South Africa and Vietnam revolutions was:
A. The Vietnamese fought for independence, while South Africans fought for race equality after winning independence.
When WWII finished, the Japanese forces in the north of Vietnam were to surrender to the Chinese and in the south to the British armies. During this process Chi Minh and the Viet Minh rouse to fight for Vietnam independece, declared in the 14th of August. This is known as the August Revolution.
While in South Africa, after obtaining the indepence in 1961, revolts took place until 1994 due to the apartheid, a law of segregation, oficialy made by the Republic. Finaly, in 1994, after decades of armed struggles, the African National Congress won in the first democatic election in which al races could vote.