The economic continuum goes from a command, planned economy on the extreme left side, to a fully free market economy on the extreme right side, and various combinations of both in the middle.
China: China is in part a command economy, because the state still has prevalence in some key sectors, for example, in banking. However, it also has many aspects of a free enterprise system. Its position is slightly to the left.
Japan: Japan is an economy that is freer than the world-average. Private firms dominante the economy. Its position is comfortably on the right side of the continuum.
North Korea: North Korea is the least free economy in the world. It is a planned, command economy where private property basically does not exist. Its position is on the extreme left.
India: India is freer than China, but less free than Japan. It used to be a very planned economy, but has been liberalizing many sectors. Its position is slightly to the right.
Uh, trading? Immigrants? WAR?
There are a lot of reasons why america should concern itself with wath China is doing, like...
The Recycling Shortage (thingy) - China put stricter guidelines for other country's waste that they deposit to China.
Immigrants - Wonder why (maybe all) major cities has a China Town? Yeah, immigrants.
More people = Economy goes up
More tourists = Cash
War - Maybe not today, but in the past, people were concerned if China was gonna start a World War.
The biggest issue is by technology.