I think you are supposed to fill in the blank with one or more possible right words that would complete the idea.
Using an illustration,my science teacher explain how the weather cycle works..
Answer:It enhances the beauty of the writing. It makes the sentence deeper and leaves the reader with a sense of wonder. It brings life to the words used by the writer. The figure of Speech not only shows the writer's intent but also his purpose in using such language.
def iambic pentameter and rhyme, I’m not sure what foot is and idk about stanza
Answer:Daisy and Tom Buchanan are most responsible for Gatsby's death.
In The Great Gatsby, Daisy and Tom Buchanan are most responsible for Gatsby's death. The true villain of the narrative, Tom employs Daisy's idea of relieving their boredom by going to town and insidiously urges Gatsby to take Daisy in his coupe, allowing Gatsby to be seen with her.