it says that mother love is the enternal love in the world.she always tries to encourage her child....and the life of mother is not easy
hey this was in my book too
so hope this helps
It depends on Static Electricity.
it's important to add a reflection in your story because it's for you to express yourself.
Fill in the blanks.
Tense of the verb tells <u>when(</u><u>time </u><u>of </u><u>an </u><u>action</u><u>)</u> an action is done. There are three tenses of the verbs: <u>past</u> tense, <u>present</u> tense, and the <u>future</u> tense. Past tense tells about actions that happened in <u>the </u>past. <u>“</u><u>W</u><u>a</u><u>s</u><u>”</u> or <u>“</u><u>w</u><u>e</u><u>r</u><u>e</u><u>”</u> are added <u>before </u><u>the </u><u>main </u><u>verbs</u> to change it in past tense. Present tense tells about actions that are <u>currently</u><u> </u><u>happening in the </u><u>present</u>(did some changes to the question). We add <u>“</u><u>i</u><u>s</u><u>”</u> or <u>“</u><u>a</u><u>r</u><u>e</u><u>”</u> to change the verb into present tense. Future tense tells about actions that <u>will </u><u>happen</u><u> </u><u>in </u><u>the </u><u>future</u>. Adding <u>“</u><u>will”</u> or <u>“</u><u>s</u><u>h</u><u>a</u><u>l</u><u>l</u><u>”</u> to the verb will change it in future tense.
→I did some minor changes to the question too, you can check.